Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sweatshirt Blazer - you need one!

Its been pretty drab weather out there so I've been pulling the boots back out and wearing comfortable clothes.  Today I went with one of my favorite blazers, its a gray sweatshirt blazer by Hurley.  Super cute with the cuffed sleeves and bronze buttons.  Sticking with the gray color scheme, I went with a zig zag t-shirt that has cranberry, olive green, and black all in it. This T is from GAP. To add a little pop, I wore a long beaded white necklace.  Amongst the beads there are crystal and gold beads for accent.  Believe it or not, the necklace I was rockin' today came from my 90 year old Nana's jewelry box, vintage I guess :)

Hope you like the look!



  1. What size did you order? And what size do you typically wear from Gap / Banana Republic? I am interested in ordering this jacket, but I am not sure what size would fit me best.

    1. Hi Julia! This Hurley jacket is an xs, but too be honest, it was the only one and on sale, normally I probably would of gone for the Small. For Gap and Banana I'm usually a small, lately the XS are a little too snug. With something that is meant to be worn a little loose I may for the XS so it doesn't look like a sheet on me. Does that help?
